Go To The Lake

I watched as they all moving to the lake with my Divine Vision. In the first place is Kron. He's still running without slowing down. It has been about half an hour since the training started. I guess he has a lot of stamina. As expected of a veteran hunter. If it goes on like this, he will arrive first.

In the second place is Jewel. She's already tired of running, so she takes a short break. Not only she's tired, she's also thirsty. But I didn't tell her to bring some water, so she can only stop to rest.

If it's like this, then it will be soon when Kayla's group passed her by. Then Jewel will be saved. I have told her to be calm, and I thought that she remembers my advice after hearing how she wanted to be my disciple yesterday. But in the end, she hurriedly run toward the lake and ignored my advice.

This is also a lesson for her. I won't help her unless she's in danger.