Defeating the Fishman and Reaching Intermediate Level

Fishman. That's what I decided to call this monster.

It's blue in color, has a face that looks like a deep-sea fish, walking with two legs and have two hands with webbed fingers.

I hate its face. He looks like it is mocking me. Must be that fish lips.

The Fishman is wielding a spear like weapon with three pointy blades instead of just one. What was it again?

"Victoria, what is that weapon?" I asked Victoria who has wide-knowledge about weapons.

"It's called Trident. A weapon I expected humanoid sea monsters would wield. It's the first time I ever see one though." Victoria answered.

"What is the difference between trident and normal spear?"

"…as you can see, trident has three blades instead of just one."

"Oh, wow! Thank you for explaining! I didn't know about that!" I said sarcastically.

While chatting with Victoria, the Fishman stopped its magic and attacked me with its three-headed spear. I mean trident.