Experimenting With Victoria's Clones

The day after Javier gone, we gathered together again when Albert is not busy. It's about what I forgot to ask, but Victoria asked Javier about it.

"So, Rama wrote that story about you, from another Aura user who can see the past?"

"Yes. That's what Javier told me. He made the Evil God as the hero in the first book because at the time of the publishing, stories about anti-hero protagonist won't be able to be released. Everyone wanted to be a hero. If people started to have a dream about becoming an anti-hero or villain, it will be bad for the kingdom that he just built." Victoria explained how the Evil God became a hero in Rama's book.

Now that I thought about it, there are too many plot holes I forgot to ask Javier! And now that he's gone, I will never know about them! How can I be so stupid!

"What about that Aura user who can see the past?"