Plan For The Werewolves

I am too tired after the fight, so I asked Albert and Red to take care of Grandpa's funeral and the aftermath.

They will arrange the feast with Ian and Lina to cook the meal. Most of it is meat. Good thing I told them to bring some vegetables as well.

As for me, I moved to the Werewolf King's residence where Red should be living. It's the only normal-looking building in the area. I'll ask Kayla and Angela later to build some more houses with their earth magic.

For now, the King's abode is good enough to rest. The bed is made of stone, but I don't care since I have Vitoria with me. And I'm not alone. Kayla and Angela are both with me since they are tired as well.

So, I have Victoria creates clones of her. I have some transformed into a double bed for Kayla and me, and another single bed for Angela.

I slept for about an hour when someone woke me up.

"What is it? Time to go home?" I asked Albert, the one who woke me up.