Veronica's Situation

"What's the emergency!?" Albert burst into the room followed by the Prime Minister's son and Mustache. His name was…Hex?

"I know you're forgetful. His name is Hector. Although his status is just the Prime Minister's son, most of the duty of Prime Minister has already been under his care. It will only take some time until I can announce it officially that he's the Prime Minister. As for Lowe, the current Prime Minister, I let him take care of anything cult related in the capital. Now tell me what's your emergency?" Albert re-introduced Hector to me again. The name was so close so it's fine, right?

"I don't know the full story yet. Sonia just told me that Veronica's life is in danger. I come here right after hearing that." I said.

"Alone?" Albert asked.

"Yeah. It's better if I come alone in case I need to travel far to save Veronica."