Cleaning Up

"Now, can you tell me who you are and how you're going to help me escape the cult?"

After we finished taking care of the cult members who are after her and Veronica, we gathered together. Though Celestine is still putting up her guard since she's still unable to trust me. Especially since I seem like the orphans' kidnapper.

And I also don't know if the cult members we killed are aiming for only Celestine, or also Veronica. We have already killed them all.

The cult will be wary if they never heard of these assassins' return. So, I need to take care of how the cult will perceive this.

Albert, Hector, and I have discussed about this before I left to look for these two. To make things easy, I just need to make sure the cult will think that these two were dead. But the cult reached them first, and all of them have died. Which makes the two pretend to be dead difficult since the cult will undoubtedly be sending someone to check about the assassins' mission.