Bringing Back Some People to Cassau

After carefully making up the plan, I open a portal to the inside of the barrier where the thrown Blobby was waiting. Though after this, I told the others that we will go back home with the kidnapped people… I mean people who we will bring back to Cassau.

"Alright, we're in. Now, let's go and talk with Ellen and Jessica about the situation in this village and their condition. How did they become this way? But don't let down your guard since whatever it is that cause them to change, might happen to us. It might be unnecessary, but I will use my air magic on you all so you don't need to take a breath just in case. Let me and Victoria do the talking. And I don't know how far the range of my magic is, so don't get too far from me." I explained to the others.

Everyone nodded in agreement. From now on, only Victoria and I will speak. I just hope that whatever cause this won't affect Victoria as well since she's already a monster.