Don't Cheat, Angela!

While Those in Cassau are taking the entrance exam, the same thing happened in the capital as well. Angela and Shirley have been transported to Roy's mansion in the capital. And they are not alone. Ian and Ruby were there as well. Ian will be the butler of the mansion.

Shirley actually can just live in the palace along with her brother the king, but she would prefer to live with her best friend, Angela. That's why the two asked Roy to live together in his mansion. And it's not like Roy will live there anytime soon.

"Good luck, you two. I will pray for the best to you two." Ian said to the two girls as they left the mansion.

"Especially you, Angela. Make sure you answer the question very very carefully. Don't be in a hurry to finish the questions you don't understand. Just finish everything that you know first, and do the rest later. Just take your time, okay?" Ruby said worriedly.