Secret Meeting of Kings

"Sorry I'm late. Thanks for waiting." Albert said to the three people who are already inside the secret meeting room.

The three people are King Henry, Empress Lynn, and her bodyguard, Claudia.

"First, is it really okay for me to be here?" Claudia asked. She's worried because she's not a royalty. She's just Lynn's aide.

"It's better for you to be here. Lynn is a terrible without you by her side. Rather, if you're not here, I will ask her to return and bring you back here." Albert said.

Lynn was not as terrible as Albert said. But when she took Claudia to be her aide, she became a much better leader which can't be compared to before. Lynn trusted her, and the other kings also decided that Claudia is easier to talk than Lynn. That's why Albert and the other kings also trust her. Of course Albert trust her because of his ability.