Quest From Guild

Today is Tuesday. Just one day after my scheduled class which I only taught one student. I have free time today so I decided to go diving after a while.

As for the 4 in a row game, Sam is already asked some people she knows to build it. She says that it will be sold well once people learn the rules. After she built one, she will have someone play it in a bar or anywhere with a lot of people watching. That way people will be interested in playing it and would buy them for recreation with their friends or families.

I was about to leave, when I noticed someone approached our home. It's the receptionist of the guild. Maybe she's here to give us request. I hope not. Please just passing by.

And I was wrong. She knocked on the door and Penny opened the door. And hearing someone is at the entrance, the others who are training in the basement which we arranged into a dojo come out to see what's happening.