Good Spot

I transported the others back home while leaving Celestine, Victoria, and I to continue our travel to Varadis.

"What a shame, huh? You didn't get the mine." Victoria said.

"It's not like I have to get the mine. And I think the Empire might need it more than me. Anyway, the sea is vast. I can dive in any part of the sea and I will find some treasures. Even right now, we're about to cross the sea. But I'm not going to dive. Let's continue running toward Varadis. We'll stop when we find an island to rest, or if we can find a ship on the way, we can sneak in and rest there. It's best if it's a pirate ship. We can also grab their treasures. Celestine, were there any pirates in around the area we're going to travel?" I asked Celestine.

"There used to be some. I don't know if they are still there or not." Celestine said.

"That's good enough. Let's go!"