To the Second Stop

"Everyone has agreed to team up against that evil cult now. They're trying to get to know with your friends." Spot said as we returned to the half-destroyed island.

Just as he said, the other Sea Serpents are looking at the others curiously. Are they trying to memorize our smell?

"Then I have something for you. This… let's make something easier for you to carry. Let's keep it as a Blobby and stick it to your body. It will be glued to you unless you force it to leave. That thing is Victoria's clone. And inside of it, there's a little bit of soil. That's Sonia's soil which you can use to call her. If there's anything you need, or if we have something to ask of you, we will contact each other through Sonia." I said as I stick a Blobby to his forehead.

"Oh! A long-distance communication by using a ghost! You're smart to be able to think of this!" Spot said. He's extremely happy to be able to communicate with a human being after a long time.