Some Things Can't be Inherited, While Some Weird Things Can

"So, about what you were talking about with Keith, what do you mean by that?" King Henry asked Celestine, but before Celestine replied back, someone else interrupted.

"Huhuhu, old man, you forgot something. I'm also here!" Lynn uncover her robe and show herself to King Henry.

"E-Empress of Consenza as well!?" Keith panicked seeing two leaders of other countries appeared in the king's chamber.

"Oh, yeah. You're here. Anyway, back to the topic…?" King Henry just ignored Lynn.

"Hey! Don't ignore me!" Lynn protested.

"Sorry. Good that you're here, Claudia." King Henry greeted Claudia who removed her robe as well.

"It is nice to meet you too, King Henry. Though the situation is not very nice." Claudia said.

"You're right. Sigh… now I have to pick someone else to be my heir. Good thing his position hasn't been officialized yet." King Henry regretted that the future of his kingdom almost fell to the cult without any effort.