
There's a grandpa and his grandson playing in the garden, while there's a woman inside the house. That must be the mother. As for the father, he seems to be away at the moment. Probably hunting.

Well, I don't care. I'm just here to see old man Henry's friend. Probably that grandpa.

As we get closer to the big house, the grandpa in that house noticed us and stopped playing with his grandson. He and his grandson then proceed to greet us.

"Welcome to our humble village! I'm the chief of this village, Russell!" The old grandpa greeted us. He's the mayor of the village.

"Greetings! And I am the one who rule over you, Henry!" Old man Henry said as he removed his robe. Was that necessary?

"Grandpa Henry! It's you! Wait, it's my turn! Hm… And I am the grandson of the chief, Russel Jr!" The chief's grandson said.

Wait, so this is a normal thing here? Or is it just them? Well, I don't want to be left out so I'll join.