At the Gate

"Wait! We need to examine you first before you enter!"

As we were about to enter the gate, the gatekeeper stopped us and told us that he needs to examine us. That's weird since when other people entered, none of them were examined. Did he think that we're suspicious? Let's just stop and let him do his job first. Well, if it's his job.

Celestine and I entered the gate side by side. As for Spot, he's pretending to be my belt. And Victoria is my beard.

Nowadays, I no longer have her transformed as a grappling hook under my sleeve anymore. It's because I already capable of running on air. And I no longer wear protective gears like shin guards and arm guards anymore since I can use Blobbies for them. Those materials from the Giant Salamander during the Stampede are no longer useful to me.

That mean even if the guard is checking my body, there's nothing suspicious. Well, maybe my weird-looking belt is a bit suspicious, but I can blame it on my fashion sense.