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After finally finished my first day of teaching after taking a long break, I returned home and play with Daniel, Lana, and other kids from the orphan. I told the orphans that Celestine will be away for a little longer, so in case they need anything, they can ask Veronica.

Some kids turn sad hearing that, but they love Veronica all the same and said that they will patiently wait until Celestine returns. So heartwarming…

At least the good thing today is that there is no hell broke loose. I'm sorry that I broke my promise, but I have them play with me as much as possible after I finished my class. We played until the kids fall asleep.

After they both fall asleep, I went to Sam to ask her if there's anything important that I need to do. But it seems like she's doing really well and don't need me to do anything yet. And she asked if she can get more share since she became busier.