In Prince Bernard's Mansion

Still in Arturo Kingdom, but this time, it's not the capital.

This is the mansion in the city near the border between Arturo and Tatrama. This is where the real king is planning to fight the fake king, and also where he is rehabilitating after months of torture.

In one of the rooms, King Harold is trying to walk. He's unstable and already have difficulty to stand up. But he never gives up. King Harold take a step slowly while balancing his body. It's a difficult task for someone who has been restrained and tortured for months, but he faces it with determination.

He tried to walk to someone in the opposite direction. She's Queen Carmen, and someone who loves him dearly. Unlike his other wives. Though it's kind of difficult to tell since she only realized that he has been replaced after sleeping with the fake king.

"Come on, honey! Just a little more! Just five meters more!" Queen Carmen cheered her husband.

"Go, daddy!"