Hiring Commentators

Inside a restaurant, I brought the twins to have a chat. I'm treating them for a lunch at a restaurant they wanted. I don't mind how expensive the price is since I'm rich.

"Whoa, the foods here are delicious!" The big one said.

"Seriously! Can we ask for more?" The small one asked.

"You're smaller than me, but you eat way more." The big one said.

"It's fine. Eat to your heart content. I have money and I'm the one who's going to ask you two for a favor. Eat first, then we can talk later." I said.

Around our table, I casted Air Barrier so that no one can listen to our conversation. Though it's not like it's a top-secret matter. But being careful is always good.

The small one eats more than the big one. But the biggest eater here is me who already grabbed my fifth plate.

"Damn! You can really eat!" The big one said.

"I've never met anyone who can eat more than me before. You're amazing." The small one said.