Suspicious People

"The fight is over. Now, I have some work to do," I said as I stand from my seat.

"Work? Wait, did you find any of them?" Wendy next to me asked.

"Possibly. I won't be back at the hotel. And tell Kayla and Jewel that I might not be there for their match tomorrow. But if the job can be finished in one night, I'll come," I said.

After that, while no one is moving from their seats as they are enraptured by the quick and overwhelming victory of Angela.

As I stood from my seat, Albert is glancing at me. I just raise my hand slightly to say that I'm busy and he nodded. Even though he has no far sight like me, his vision is still good.

I left the Arena. This time, unlike yesterday, outside of the Arena is empty since most people are at the square watching the fight. But I still went to an empty alley just in case.

Then I opened a portal toward Victoria's location.

"Victoria, we had some work to do," I said.