The Match Continues

Finally, the match between Sara and Shirley started. After the result of the popularity contest that the twins created was announced, we're finally back on course with the battle.

"Your highness, I won't hold back!" Sara said.

"That's what I'm hoping for. Let's see who will be the winner between us!" Shirley replied.

Sara has air and earth element, while Shirley has ice and wind element. If Sara is willing to use her gun, she might be able to win. But she doesn't have it with her.

As for training, although Shirley has learned about magic control, I taught Sara more because she's a student in my class. But the difference in experience is obvious. After all, Shirley has fought many times after I taught her magic control, while Sara… I don't know, but I don't think she has more experience than Shirley in magic control. And because Shirley is used to see me shooting, I think Shirley will win this time.