Learning Two More Types of Gas

I think I got the gist of kicking technique. I also learned footwork like the ostriches did, and also the usefulness of intimidation just by raising my hands. If I have weapon in my hands, the effect might be doubled. Coming here is worth it.

Now, with ten ostriches left tied up to different trees, I will practice my air magic to induce hallucination like the trees from the Mysterious Forest. Spot said that depression is easily visible by their reaction, but I want to try other types of gas as well. But for now, let's try one by one.

First is the calming gas. I already can do that, so it was easy. The ten ostriches that were screaming and kicking the trees trying to escape, are now calmed down. This type of gas is easily learned for me. Maybe because the calming and sleeping gases are similar. But the two can be combined to get a good sleep.