We're the Dragon's Backscratchers!

"So, what should we do?" Victoria asked.

"Cleaning up Alejandro's back obviously," I said.

"But how?"

Hmm… the monsters here might be good for training. Maybe I'll get some other people to help us. As for the forest, maybe we need either Sunny or the elves. Or we can just ask Julia to burn everything. Though I don't know if Alejandro's back can take it.

I think he can. After all, it's been so long since this ecosystem was built behind his back and he's still alive. I believe he can endure fire. Though I'll ask Sunny first if she can do it.

"For now, let's take a look around his back," I said.

"Okay. But he's very huge. As expected of a Kaiser Dragon. I can't even see where his wings are," Spot said.

Now that he mentioned it, I also haven't seen Alejandro's wings. And with a body this size, a flap of his wings should be enough to create a wind as powerful as a hurricane. We will be blown away if that's the case.