New Way of Transportation Through the Sky

"And that's everyone. What do you think?" I asked Andro after introducing everyone to him.

"I'm happy to have a lot of friends. But they won't stay with me much, aren't they? You are busy with what happened in your world, right?" Andro asked.

"If I find anyone who doesn't want to participate in the war and just live peacefully, I'll bring them to you. I don't think it's a good idea to build something on your back after you complained how itchy your back was, but we should be able to build some tents. And there's even a huge dent on your back where we can collect water from the rain. We'll make you a living fortress in this world, where everyone who only want to live peacefully without doing anything take refuge," I said.

Though I'm the one who wants to live peacefully the most. Well, it will be difficult for us if I'm not fighting. And even if I don't participate, in the future, the cult will attack this world. After that, where else should I escape?