Four Elements Joining Together Like a Puzzle

When Roy left to see check on the vampires, he made Kayla be the one in charge. Kayla knew that she will be the one to lead in case Roy is gone, so it's already expected for Roy to come to her before leaving.

Nothing changed at all, but because Kayla doesn't have a pair of eyes as good as Roy's, her command would often slightly delayed. But thanks to her being close to the angels, she doesn't need to see far as she can hear the situation from them despite their laziness to fight.

It wasn't just laziness that makes them refuse to fight. But because many of the female werewolves have their clothes ripped and show too much skin. Which makes the angels reluctant to come over to help because they are too shy from seeing the werewolves.

But not the female angels. They are dependable in the fight.