The Vampire King is Getting Stronger

The Vampire King is still looking at me the same way as before. Although he's angry, he has started calming down after I killed two Vampire Dukes easily.

Now, all that's left is him, the dual-daggers wielding vampire, and the female vampire. But other than the Vampire King, those two are looking at me with despair in their eyes. They know that they are no match against me.

But why is the Vampire King still calm? Does he have a secret technique? If not, no matter how prideful he is, he should be giving up so the vampires can survive.

I wonder if the vampires that Albert and the others are facing is as prideful as he is. Though after seeing these two Vampire Dukes are looking at me with despair, I doubt that the rest of the vampires are as prideful as the Vampire King.

Which means, everything happened because of the king's order. He would sacrifice his kind just to come here.

"So, are you still not giving up?"