Who Want to Come?

During Albert's talk with Carrie, all the other vampires have awoken. And seeing us in front of them, they realized that the other vampires that attacked us have all been defeated.

If I use the depressing gases on them, they might take their own lives.

…let's not do that since Albert still needs something from them. But can they give it to Albert?

I know what he wants. It's the vampires' loyalty. But that's difficult to get. They are monsters after all.

Maybe Albert will get a summoner or tamer to tame the vampires and make them their familiars. That should be possible to trust them then. But the chance of me becoming a vampire hunter will be zero.

Wait! I'm already a vampire hunter. I killed their strongest vampire. There's no need to aim for that title anymore.

Now that all of the vampires have awake, Kayla opened their cages. We don't need them anymore since they won't attack us out of nowhere.