She Want to Come?

"…you're coming here and threatening to kill me? Do you think I will let you?" the Vampire Queen asked.

"You have no choice, or we will kill every single one of you. Look above you," I said as I pointed up to the sky.

"What? It's raining? No, what the hell is that!?" the Vampire Queen, and the duke we brought with us, were surprised when they checked above their heads.

Waterdrops are falling, but it's not raining. Above us, is not cloud. But water.

That's right. A huge amount water that Carmen prepared to drown all the vampires. She can make water float in the sky.

Is it normal for a water mage to do that? Or is it because she's also a wind mage? I don't even know her other elements, but I know that she's the one who did it.

"You're just one lonely vampire who can't trust anyone, and resorted in using charm magic. Never use your charm magic in my presence again, or I will truly kill you," I threatened the Vampire Queen.