The Spar Started

Angela's expression turned serious as the spar was about to begin. 

Man, just looking at her, I can tell that she's strong. At least at the moment, she's stronger than that mohawk artificial master level mage that I fought before.

Well, at that time, that mohawk was underestimating us and didn't use her full strength. So, before she knew it, her body can't take any damage anymore.

But Angela is different. There's no opening at all. I feel like if I get closer to her, she will keep her distance using flight magic.

…isn't this a totally unfair match? She's even faster than me!

The only thing I can do to get close to her is using portal. That should be easy if I opened a portal on the Blobby she has.

But this is a spar, so let's not do that. Though if I managed to stick a Blobby on her, it should be fine if I opened a portal there.