Fighting Multiple Goos

In a big room inside the dungeon, we encounter ten goos at once. I guess we should take care of them real fast.

"Ten of them at once! Mages! Attack!" I gave the order.

It's not the first goo we encountered after meeting up with the others. Before we reached this room, there were some goos. But only one at a time would appear. And now, there are ten of them right away.

And our plan is simple. Since we have experienced fighting them already, we don't need to think too much.

At first, the mages will attack first. Candy, Wendy, and Angela. As for Sara and Celestine, seems like their earth magic is useless against them. So, only three of us attacked.

After that, once the goo turned into a human, the rest of us stabbed the heart of the enemies. I and Graham can use our spear, Shelia can slash them with her claws, Celestine and Sara can use Ground Spike to pierce their heart. Or Sara can just use her gun to shoot at them.