After the Show is Over

"Ladies and Gentlemen! That's Clarence the clown! He will be staying and perform with us for the next few days until the tournament begun!"

Thomas as the master of the circus said as my performance ended. It's a great performance. I held back as much as possible while still giving the audiences the laughter they deserve.

I also see Angela, Kayla, Celestine, Daniel, and the others applauding and laughing at my performance. It's good to see them who had low spirit when they entered the tent to laugh and have such high spirit.

They were low in spirits because of the news that we are going to face children as our enemies. At least I can help to raise their spirits this way.

After the show is over, the audiences left the tent in laughter. Talking with their friends and family they brought here about the performance. And even though I hold back from doing too much on my own, they are talking about Clarence's performance.