Raiding the Cult's Hiding Spot

There are no children here. Some of the people have explosive device in their mouth, but some don't. But I still should assume that all of the cult members are expert level mages.

Other then those from the cult, there are some people I recognize from their wanted posters. As expected, the cult is trying to recruit criminals. I won't have any problem with killing them all.

And since Claudia didn't tell me that there's a spy among them, I won't have to worry about killing our own in this place.

Now, should I call the others right away? Or should I wait until whatever event they are in gathering people to this place is happening? In any case, it's good that so many enemies are gathering here.

I need to make sure that not a single enemy escaped. Good thing there's not a single mohawk among them.

For now, I will keep my distance so I can use portal without being seen. I'll just ask the girls and the werewolves to help. That should be more than enough.