Searching the Enemy

"Roy, have you seen the enemy camp?"

As we fly in the sky, Spot asked me if I have seen the camp where the cult will gather. But so far, we haven't found it yet.

"Not yet. You're using your camouflage, right? We can fly a little lower. Maybe they decided to camp underground," I said.

"Are you sure about that?" Spot asked.

"I don't know. But from what I have seen of so far, the cult has the tendency to stay underground," I said.

That's right. From the raid to the Professor's location, they made a five-floor basement under the ground that goes to a dungeon we needed to pass. Also, here, they had a meeting room under the ground. The sewer. Ignoring the bad smell of the sewer. Or maybe the smell never reached their hiding spot there. I don't know since I always protect myself with Air Barrier back then.