The Final Match Has Been Decided.

"The girls are asking you if you are doing well or not. I have reported everything to them, but it's something they want to ask you personally. How will you answer them?"

After informing me about the first day of the tournament, Sonia asked me how I'm doing. And it's not about if we managed to stop the cult or not, or the situation over here. But they are asking if I'm fine.

Once again, I moved to tears from how considerate they are. I truly feel loved in this life.

"Tell them I'm doing fine. Tired, but fine. And I will rest for the rest of the day until the next enemy wave appears. Which is probably tommorow at the soonest. Tell them all to do their best in the tournament. I feel better if I know that they are doing their best over there as well," I said to the ghost. 

With how many of them suddenly appear at once today, I don't think they will come again today. And probably, they will come tomorrow.