Sending Angela Back

"That was spectacular!"

After the battle ended, I approached Angela and give her a compliment. 

It was too amazing! A tortoise the size of a mountain can get blown away by Angela high into the sky! Although I saw how she did it, I can't explain it well.

All of a sudden, the ground rise. The impact was so strong that it destroyed the tortoise's heart. The bottom part was destroyed, but some areas on the shell has holes in it. Telling me that in that short time, Angela also attacked the tortoise's shell.

Even though Spot attacked it with his breath, that tortoise didn't take any damage at all. But just as soon as Angela stepped forward, she defeated the tortoise. 

If that's her relieving her stress for not being able to leave the capital at all because of the tournament, that's scary. Next time she had something she wants to do, I'll be sure to hellp her at all cost. Because if her stress increased, I don't know what she will do.