The Plan for the Next Battle

The lava monster is finally dead. And now, I'm helping the others defeating the rest of the mohawks. There seem to be around thirty of them left. Other than me who have defeated the most mohawks, it was Shelia who killed a lot of them. After that, it was Veronica, Arin, and Celestine.

Veronica has much more freedom in the sky after all. And Arin, although she can fly as well, she's preserving her blood usage, so she killed less than Veronica. And Celestine, despite the fact that she focused more on the defense than the offense, she killed quite a number of mohawks as well.

As for Jewel, since she couldn't fly, she didn't defeat that many of them. Although she flew with the help of one of the soldier, it's difficult to suddenly cooperate with someone you just met the first time after all.