The Secret is Safe

In the second base, there were not many people here. Just about fifty. And the base was build halfheartedly. Only the surrounding wall are quite strong.

When we build this base, we made the wall to cover a large area. So, even if the enemy wanted to walk around the wall, they need to walk a long distance before they can pass the wall. And before they can do that, they will be attacked by us right away.

As soon as I entered the second base with Arin, I quickly summoned Shelia without warning. I don't need to use portal since she's my contracted familiar.

Shelia appears with wounds all over her body. And her regeneration was quite slow. I guess she's tired after so much fighting.

"Heh. I killed that white mohawk with a huge mole on his forehead that you told me. This way, there won't be anymore flying mohawks," Shelia said as she rested her back on the wall and sat on the ground.