The Father of the Child Mohawk is Not a Mohawk

"Alright, I... I think we need to move to another place," I said to the mother mohawk before I started interrogating her.

"Why? We're alone in this place. Isn't that enough?" mother mohawk asked.

"It's not the fact that we're alone. It's... how do I say it? Let's say I want to go to another place that will give me the advantage when asking you questions," I said.

I can't bring her to Albert's place directly. But what if Albert can still be present? I'll just get Kayla and Angela to protect him just in case. And the location will be at the place where the Professor is being held. We can also see his reaction about the questions and the answers from mother mohawk.

Well, everything will go well only if mother mohawk is not being brainwashed. From how mother mohawk tried to protect son mohawk, it should be safe.

For now, let's get everything prepared.