Cutting the Tree Down

It's been two days since I tried to cut the tree down, but it still hasn't fallen yet!

When I tried to cut it down with one swing, I failed. And when I tried to use consecutive slashes, it recovered itself before I can cut it down! Even when I chipped the trunk down to just a few centimeters, the tree would recover itself before I could cut it down!

I failed. And those who are bored are already returned either with my portals or riding on Spot's back.

And since it might take a while until I can cut the tree down, I had Sonia and Spot to look for other traces of Aura users of the past.

Albert also has returned to do his duty in the palace. And now that he has introduced Lana to the world as his daughter, he will be busier with a lot of questions from other nobles or even the citizens.