The Door is Opening

It has been five months since I cut down the tree. And we have been training here every day. 

Right now, I'm in a chasing game against Shadow again. This time, the whole place has been changed and keep changing thanks to one of the five master level mages. He's a powerful earth mage who has reached master level, and his power as an Aura user was great as well.

But unlike a few months ago, this time, I can tell where Shadow is even with his illusion. Not just Shadow, I also chase after another invisible creature. Spot.

He's using his camouflage which has been strengthened through training here as well. If it was the me a few months ago, I won't be able to see him even with my Divine Vision. But now, even if my sight is blocked, my Mind's Eye can see everything as if my Divine Vision hasn't been blocked at all.