The Power of Aura Master

"Kill every single ancient Aura user here?" I asked Timmy.

"Well, it's right that we are ancient Aura users for you. But I don't like how you call me that," Timmy said.

"You're the oldest one here. You don't have any right to complain," I replied.

Since he's the creator of this place, he is the oldest one here.

Still, becoming both Aura Master and reaching a stage beyond master level makes him have a long lifespan. Although most of the time he was sleeping. That's what makes him able to live for thousands of years. But he doesn't look to be over forty years old.

Though if he didn't sleep, his lifespan should be about a few centuries. And that's still a lot for a human.

If I become an Aura Master, I might be able to live for at least two or three hundred years more. And I might end up getting asked to do something troublesome. I mean Albert and the other kings are already looking at me as if they want to request something for me.