Night Before the Deathmatch

"Since the one who brought you all here has gone, I have no choice but to do it. So, quickly make your decision and return home. I have something I need to do tomorrow. Which is something that might end up with me dying," I said to the kings who started their discussion.

"How about the werewolves and the agent with them? Where are they right now?" Fabio asked.

"Their last report was that they were close to the location that Timmy just told us. Let's get Sonia there to ask them of the cult's movement. They should have noticed about the cult's movement. And how they can that close meant that the Evil God is probably nearby. Worse of all, the timing is very bad. I thought they will not make a move for another year or two. But it's too soon. And Roy is not an Aura Master yet. We need to make a plan," Albert said tot he other kings.