The Fourth Familiar

...Am I being summoned to hell?

That's the very thought that come to my mind as soon as I got transported instead of getting a new monster o make a contract with.

The place I'm barely standing on, because of my bad ankles, is pitch black. But it's not like there's no light. I can see everything is dark even though I didn't use Divine Vision, and there's no light coming. I can see just fine.

Is this hell? Did I somehow die?

"Are you the one who will become my master?"

All of a sudden, I can hear a voice. The one saying it says that I would be its master. Though I don't know about that.

Although I exhausted all my Aura and unable to use Divine Vision, I can still use my Mind's Eye. Thank god that I learned this skill.

When the voice suddenly called out to me, I used Mind's Eye and see that something suddenly appeared in front of me. Similar to Sonia who suddenly appears in front of me. Some sort of teleportation I guess.