Someone Strong is Coming


The vault is opened and I can now see well with my Divine Vision. This is such a great finding!

The gold didn't amount as much as the other two places, but there are many magical items here enough to give to a whole army. Even if we took what we need, we can still give the rest to the four kingdoms. This should be enough to make Albert happy.

But if it's this much, I don't think Jeremy can handle everything. I guess I'll take some of the magical weapons for him to appraise. The rest can be handled by the four kingdoms.

"Carmen, Bernard, Arturo can take all the gold. And separate other items from the gold. Get your appraiser to appraise them and then share all the effects that they have with me and the other kingdoms. I think it's best for you guys to get some items as well. Though I need you to prioritize my clan's equipment first. After we grab everything we needed, the rest can be shared by the kingdoms," I said.