What To Do Next

"So, does anyone knows what happened with the cult? Is there any place that have been attacked or is still under suspicions? Any new reports?"

"Not yet. But there are still many places we are currently investigating."

"Same with Consenza. The cult hasn't make any movement so far."

"Varadis is also still at peace at the moment. Though I have finally prepared three candidates who will succeed my throne."

"Three? Well, at least that's better than nothing. I hope you can find a good successor for the future of Varadis Kingdom."

At the moment, the four kings are having a meeting and talk about anything suspicious around them. But there are none and the world is seem to be at peace at the moment.

But we know that it's just momentary peace because the cult is still exist. Until we can destroy everything related to the cult, peace will never come.