Yadan Kingdom

The spy has been captured. And now, I'll wait for Albert's report and wait until the messenger bird arrive to its destination. The small kingdom near Lynn's territory. Whether the king of that country want to cooperate with us or he's already under the influence of the cult, I guess we'll see it later.

By the way, I have something to be depressed about. It's the fact that the children have grown and none of them are sad that I'm leaving them. They even said that it's fine for me to leave for years.

I feel happy that they have grown, but I feel sad that they have grown so much. I wonder if this is how a parent feel watching their children grow. A good parent. Not a parent that abandon their children like how they abandon these children I'm taking care of.

Heck, I don't need to go as far as thinking about the children. Even my own parents disappeared. Well, I don't care about them though. I don't even remember them anymore.