The Master Level Mages Stopped Us

I looked around the city from distance. I also ride on Ray's back and look over the city from above as well. But I make sure that I won't look at the two master level mages directly.

From my observation, those two are the only two master level mages in the city. But there's something else bothering me.

I returned back to where the others are and report everything to them who have already gathered together.

"How was it, Roy?" Burnes asked.

"The two women in front of the biggest building are the only two master level mages in the city. There were no one else who noticed that someone is looking at them," I said.

"Just two? I'd like to say that's a good news, but it's still bad. We don't know what they will do to strangers like us from another country. Anything else?" Burnes asked.