In the Prison

Yuria, Patricia, and I were being brought to the basement where the jail is. On the way, they carefully make sure that there won't be anyone watching us getting arrested. I can see beyond the door to each room, there are people watching the others inside while pretending to be working.

The servants in this building are all members of the cult. As for the officers, there are less of them who are members of the cult. I guess that's normal considering servants such as butlers or maids able to freely come and go to different places in this building.

Patricia is still conscious. But her mouth is being gagged. Not just that, her nose and the gag in her mouth were also frozen. To make sure that she can't shout or scream. And maybe hoping that she would faint from being unable to breathe.

Yuria is still unconscious. And her mouth is also being gagged with cloth after she faints. Just like me. Though I didn't faint for real.