The Rain Calms Me Down

I left Angela's room to see that Kayla and Sophie were waiting.

"She fell back asleep. And how much did you hear?" I asked.

I know that they were eavesdropping. Although Angela told me that I shouldn't use Divine Vision and Mind's Eye, my senses are still better than average people. My hearing detected their movement behind the door.

"Well, congratulation on getting another girl. And I'm waiting for the date," Kayla said.

"A date with everyone! I can't wait!" Sophie said excitedly. girls are all weird. At least they are happy.

"If possible, I'd like you to wait for a while longer for the date. There are still some girls possibly wanted to join in as well," Kayla said.

"Still!? Just what did I do? I know that I'm handsome, but other than fighting and operating patients, there's nothing that I'm particularly excel at to be admired by ladies. Though I'm glad to be popular," I said.