Spirits can Evolve?

The day after we arrived in Consenza, we return back to the castle to meet Lynn and Claudia and ask them about anything that the living armor can do.

"So, are you a monster or not?" Lynn asked Airy after we meet her in her office.

Although they have met before when I introduce Airy to Lynn, Lynn still asked Airy now whether she's a monster or not. Though that's something I don't know as well. But I just don't care.

"I'm an air spirit. That's all I can say," Airy said.

"That doesn't answer the question at all," Lynn said.

I wonder why Lynn is curious about it.

"Lynn, why are you curious about it? It's not like it matters if Airy is a monster, a spirit, an animal, or a human, right?" I asked.

"Actually, it matters. We have monster friends with us. And now, we have spirits. We can easily tell that Shelia, Graham, Arin, and the others are considered as monsters. But what about Airy and Breezy? I'm asking because I don't know," Lynn asked.