Albert Comes Down

Just when I thought the Corrupt Lord will make his move, he stopped, And I can also see what happens.

"Spot, move toward the building with blue roof. We'll see things clearly there. Don't fly lower than the roof or someone will notice you," I said to Spot.

Spot then moved toward where I pointed at. And since I said it with my mouth instead of pointing at it while I'm on top of his head, he understands. That was my fault. I was stupid to point to where we should go from Spot's back without him seeing. I think I did that many times.

When we reach there, we can see that Wendy and the others are facing their most difficult opponent. Civilians.

No, they are not fighting them. Wendy and the others just protecting themselves from the civilians who cast beginner level magic at them.

"This.. what happened here?" Albert asked.